Awaken to the Divine Feminine

Awaken to the Divine Feminine
Awakened Heart In Truth's Bliss

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Meditation Brings Peace - Meeting Divine Mother Amma

Connecting to higher beings through meditation brings peace and awareness of your divine light. Shine the light of awareness. Your pure essence, your pure awareness raises the vibration here on this planet . I am guided... I am protected, living in the present moment is the Truth. There is no future...only the NOW is REALITY.  Only divine consciousness is reality. 

If I awaken to my own true nature divine light consciousness...  if I wake up from the darkness then I can truly shine my light on the World. 

Mother Amma is Divine Mother - an embodiment of the Highest Divine Feminine - Her blessings are reaching out to people by hugging them at her Darshan all over the World. Amma hugs millions of people giving them healing and blessings to help them on their spiritual path.

I had the greatest fortune to meet Amma and had a wonderful Darshan it was one of the most profound moments of my life. She is Christ in feminine form and there are no words to describe what you experience in her presence. I guess the closest thing I can describe it is being in a state of Divine Love and Bliss. She radiates Bliss ..She is the Divine Mother of all living beings. 

Mother Anandamayi Ma - Ma is another Saint who like Amma was a Divine Mother Avatar. She is Amma they are one and the same and even though she died in 1987 I have felt her presence round me in meditations and retreats that I have attended.


Living in the light is the only Truth

When you know the light - You are the Light.

When we live in the light we are aligned with the Higher Self and connected to Higher Dimensions with Our Spiritual Guides.

On our planet there have been many Divine Avatars - Buddah, Christ, Mohammad, Divine Mothers. They are expressions of the highest divine consciousness bringing their messages of divine light and blessings. They are expressions of our own true nature, We are One !!!